There has been an increase in opportunistic crimes recently in our suburbs.

These occur at home while you are moving in or out of your property or waiting outside to be collected; or at any place where you are stopped to on or off load persons (for example at a school).Currently the main perpetrators are travelling in an old shape, silver Mercedes Benz and are concentrating on Blairgowrie, Robindale, Robin Hills, Ruiterhof and Fontainebleau.

They are driving the streets looking for opportunities where people are unaware of their surroundings and are easy targets. Should you see any suspicious vehicle, please report it immediately to your security company and to the SAPS in your area.

Here are a few tips to help you stay safe:

.Keep your gate closed at all times when not either arriving or departing.

.Do not leave it open while you quickly go inside for something you forgot. or perhaps you just need to load something before leaving home. Keep the gate closed until you are ready to go in or out.

.Do not wait outside of your gate for your lift. And if you do, be vigilant and keep surveying your surroundings.

.Do not answer your phone or concentrate on your phone while waiting. Apart from making yourself an easy target you will also be showing would be thieves that your phone is ready for the taking.

.When getting home, stop in the street parallel to your wall and reverse your car into the driveway. This will allow you to have full view of the road while entering the property and you will be able to make a quick getaway, driving forwards, into the street, if the need arises.

.Always leave your property driving forwards and stop in the street parallel to your wall before closing the gate. No one is an expert in reversing at high speed and this is when you are at your most vulnerable.

Be vigilant and be safe!!